When you provide us with your personal information, we understand that you expect that we will protect it and keep it safe. The aim of this statement will be to explain to you how we manage this information
What is defined as personal information?
Information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Common examples are an individual’s name, signature, address, telephone number, date of birth, medical records, bank account details and commentary or opinion about a person.
What kind of information do we collect and hold?
As part the recruitment process we may collect the following information:
- Identification information
- Education
- Qualifications
- Visa/Immigration information
- Working history
- Licences/certification
- Diversity Information
- Any other personal information relevant to a recruitment and employment process
How will this information be used?
The above information will be used to assess your application for employment in our organisation. This will include your entitlements to work in Australia and assessing your skills, abilities and qualifications against the requirements of the role to determine your suitability.
How do we collect this information?
Your information will be collected through a secure online system. We will ask you, through a series of questions, to provide the information that we require. Some of the information will be optional, however, some information will be mandatory and you will not be able to proceed with your application for a role if you do not provide this information.
We may also obtain information from third parties, such as referees (with your consent) and the shortlisting panels.
How is my information stored?
Your information will be stored in a secure database, which is only accessible by individuals within our organisation who have been given access by a secure log in and password.
As part of the recruitment process, some of your personal information may be disclosed to the hiring manager and selection panel for the vacancy. This information will be used to assess your suitability for the role and to contact you throughout the process, if necessary.
Who else is my information disclosed to and why?
The database is stored on a cloud, which is managed by our system provider (Oracle). Oracle are bound by their own privacy statement, which can be accessed on the Oracle website.
We do not disclose or sell any of your information to any third parties and your personal details will only be used in relation to Council’s recruitment and employment processes.
For any questions on the storage of your information, please contact the City of Adelaide, People Services team on 08 8203 7333.